Hamburger German Indian Society

The German-Indian Society (DIG) looks back on a 60-year history. The first foundation was in 1942 in Hamburg, in the presence of Subhas Chandra Bose, a leading freedom fighter of India.After the war, the DIG was founded in 1953, again in Stuttgart. This was followed by start-ups of affiliates in numerous German cities, including in Hamburg.The Hamburg eV German-Indian Society is a meeting of two cultures. It sees itself as a forum for information, contacts and exchanges of ideas of people with commitment to India, and with interest for its people, cultures, languages, history, religions, politics, economy and society.The program includes joint meetings, trips, lectures, cultural events and the celebration of Indian and German festivals. The classical and the popular, historic and modern India - in short, all aspects of Indian life are of interest to us. Those of us organized concerts and other cultural performances as well as lectures on various topics fertilize and develop the German-Indian relations.