Gujarati Christian Fellowship
Christmas Celebrations December 25th & January 1st Services Held At : 1009 Unruh Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19111 Service Time : 2 PM Held at Church (425 Central Avenue, Cheltenham, PA) Pre-Christmas Fellowship | Saturday, Dec 21st at 5 PM Please Click here to RSVP VISIT Come fellowship with us every Sunday from 12:30 PM READ Our entire Library Collection is now online LISTEN Listen to the Bible or one of the Worship Albums Watch Connect to GCFP from wherever you are!
Roku, Mobile or Web. We're here 24/7.
GIVE Now you can donate online or from your phone


Our entire service is in the Gujarati Language allowing you to connect to your faith in your native language.


With our talented worship team and choir we sing songs both in Gujarati and Hindi


Our service provides you and your family to grow in your faith.
We provide Gujarati Services for adults and Sunday School for kids 15 and under.

Welcome to GCFP

Welcome to the website of Gujarati Christian Fellowship of Philadelphia (GCFP). Gujarati Christian Fellowship of Philadelphia originated in the late nineteen eighties as a small worship group. This worship group became the first and only Gujarati Christian church in Philadelphia. The church grew in numbers with the influx of immigrants, and eventually was registered in 1994 in the State of Pennsylvania as a Non-Profit organization. The church, which started with less than twenty families in 1990, has now emerged to be one of the largest Gujarati churches in North America with around 70 families. Church service is held every Sunday at 12:30 PM in Gujarati and occasionally in English. We invite you to join us in Church Service, Bible Study, and Prayer Meeting. Thank you for visiting and have a blessed day.